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General Information
Department for this solicitation: Procurement
Date Prepared: 06/11/21 Types: RFA
Advertisement Type:
Solicitation/Project#: RFA 67-118 Solicitation/Project Title: Prevent Injuries in Children
Description: The Department will award Grant agreements to provide primary prevention education to prevent child injuries in younger children through in-home education supported with low cost interventions.
Department Information
Department/Agency: Department of Health Delivery Location:
County: Statewide Duration: 10/1/21 - 6/30/24
Contact Information
First Name: Elizabeth Last Name: Dunlevey
Phone Number:
717-547-3387 Email:
Solicitation Information
Bids must be received by the purchasing agency on the Solicitation Due Date no later than the Solicitation Due Time as set forth in the solicitation. Any conflict between the dates and/or times contained in the solicitation itself or its attachments and this advertisement shall be resolved in favor of the solicitation.

Solicitation Start Date: 06/11/21
Solicitation Due Date: 07/28/21 Solicitation Due Time: 1:30 PM
Solicitation Opening Date: 07/28/21 Solicitation Opening Time: 1:30 PM
Opening Location: Doh Office Of Procurement  Room 816  H  W Building  625 Forster St  Hbg Pa 17120 0701
No. of Addendums: 0
Amended Date: 07/13/21
Related Solicitation Files

Original Files
RFA 67-118.pdf
RFA 67-118 Budget.xls

RFA67-118 Addendum1.pdf

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