General Information
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Solicitation/Project Title:
PA DOS Elections Modernization
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Commonwealth), Department of State (DOS) is seeking a vendor hosted commercial off the shelf software (COTS), modified off the shelf software (MOTS), or low code application platform (LCAP) solution to replace their existing custom legacy applications: Voter Registration (VR), Election Management (EM), Election Night Reporting (ENR), Campaign Finance and Lobbying Disclosure Registration (LDR) and Reporting, to support and streamline elections related processed for DOS and the 67 County Board of Elections.
DOS is seeking a highly experienced and knowledgeable Offeror to work with the Commonwealth and the County Board of Elections to implement a modern, easily configurable solution which complies with existing and future regulatory requirements, adheres to stringent security standards for critical infrastructure, supports complex reporting needs; and imposes business process standardization. DOS's expectation is that this solicitation will result in an executed contract that will comprehensively support the Commonwealth's requirements as set forth in this RFP.
Please note: A Mandatory Responsiveness Requirement was added to this solicitation. Non-Disclosure Agreement Submission. Review and sign Appendix T - Non-Disclosure Agreement and submit the signed Non-Disclosure Agreement to the Issuing Office, This must be done in order for the proposal to be considered responsive. Once received the issuing officer will provide the following documents: Current State and Systems Overview and Solution Use Cases via a secure email. Note: The Current State and Systems Overview and Solution Use Cases are to be used subject to the parameters within the executed non-disclosure agreement, and the Offeror shall review the supporting documentation prior to and in preparation for submitting a proposal.
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