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General Information
Department for this solicitation: Procurement
Date Prepared: 11/27/23 Types: IFB
Advertisement Type:
Solicitation/Project#: 6100060013 Solicitation/Project Title: 23SW DMA 3 RKD Removal
Description: Deer carcass disposal services in the Southwest Region - within 50 feet of any roadway according to DMA 3 map.

Any questions pertaining to the contract can be directed to Patrick Snickles at
Department Information
Department/Agency: Pennsylvania Game Commission Delivery Location: Sgl 244 Or Sgl 248
County: Multiple Duration: Upon Award through 6/30/24
Contact Information
First Name: Derek Last Name: Deibler
Phone Number:
717-787-6594 Email:
Solicitation Information
Bids must be received by the purchasing agency on the Solicitation Due Date no later than the Solicitation Due Time as set forth in the solicitation. Any conflict between the dates and/or times contained in the solicitation itself or its attachments and this advertisement shall be resolved in favor of the solicitation.

Solicitation Start Date: 11/27/23
Solicitation Due Date: 12/11/23 Solicitation Due Time: 2:00 PM
Solicitation Opening Date: 12/11/23 Solicitation Opening Time: 2:00 PM
Opening Location: Contracts And Procurement 2001 Elmerton Ave Harrisburg Pa 17110
No. of Addendums: 0
Amended Date: 11/27/23
Related Solicitation Files

Original Files
Bid Notice.docx
23_11_SW contract specs-DMA3-FINAL (002).docx
Worker Protection Form .docx
Contracts Federal Boilerplate Language Exhibit A 07_24_2015.docx

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