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General Information
Department for this solicitation: Procurement
Date Prepared: 07/18/11 Types: RFI
Advertisement Type:
Solicitation/Project#: RFI-DPW-ODP Solicitation/Project Title: Shared Living
Description: The Department of Public Welfare is soliciting information concerning potential options for improving Pennsylvania's Home and Community Base Services through implementation of expanded marketing of the existing Share Living Program for targeted Medical Assistanc Program participants.
Department Information
Department/Agency: Department of Human Services "prior DPW" Delivery Location:
County: Statewide Duration: N/A
Contact Information
First Name: Kuhno Last Name: Pamela
Phone Number:
610-562-6200 Email:
Solicitation Information
Bids must be received by the purchasing agency on the Solicitation Due Date no later than the Solicitation Due Time as set forth in the solicitation. Any conflict between the dates and/or times contained in the solicitation itself or its attachments and this advertisement shall be resolved in favor of the solicitation.

Solicitation Start Date: 07/18/11
Solicitation Due Date: 10/07/11 Solicitation Due Time: 12:00 AM
Solicitation Opening Date: 10/07/11 Solicitation Opening Time: 5:00 PM
Opening Location:
No. of Addendums: 3
Amended Date: 09/20/11
Related Solicitation Files

Original Files
Shared Living RFI Cover Letter.pdf
Shared Living RFI.pdf
RFI-DPW-ODP Flyer 1.pdf
RFI-DPW-ODP Flyer 2.pdf
RFI-DPW-OPD Flyer 3.pdf

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