PA eMarketplace   Supplier Service Center    Bureau of Procurement  
Emergency Procurement Data

General Information
Requesting Agency: Department of Community and Economic Development
Material or Service or IT: IT
Description: The Authority is issuing this request to obtain professional services and application development capacity to facilitate the BEAD challenge process as required by  NTIA BEAD Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and as defined in the Broadband DATA, as well as PA Act 96 of 2021.
Proposed Supplier: Request Type(s): Circumstances Outside the Control Of Agency
Estimated $ Amt: $330,000.00 Date Submitted: 12/5/2023
Review Information
Approval Status:
DGS Approved  12/7/2023   
Submitted 12/5/2023
Threat to public welfare or Safety - True emergencies - roof leaks, security, fuels, shutdowns, etc

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