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General Information
Department for this solicitation: Procurement
Date Prepared: 02/03/17 Types: RFA
Advertisement Type:
Solicitation/Project#: DGS 700-48 Phase 1 Solicitation/Project Title: Feasibility Study for Construction Diagnostic Lab
Description: This Project includes:  PROFESSIONAL SELECTIONS.  PROJECT TITLE:  Feasibility Study for Construction of a Diagnostic Laboratory, including Biosafety Level III Space Study  BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, a study to confirm the program requirements of previous studies and assess the feasibility of accommodating both Pennsylvania Equine Toxicology and Research Laboratory (PETRL) and Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory System (PADLS) in a new Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory building.  The facility shall consolidate laboratory services in modern, adequately sized space with appropriate infrastructure to support current and future programs. The study should examine PETRL space implications for expansion and/or development of new testing that was not part of the original studies. These programs include, but are not limited to: growth for the current equine sample testing program and human sample screening. The implication of the introduction of robotics for sample prep also needs to be evaluated as part of the study. The study should provide detailed cost estimates for all options, breaking out specialized building and mechanical systems costs, and projected operating costs.  The study shall provide an in-depth investigation into local land development, storm water management, and zoning issues and provide options and costs for addressing these issues. It should also verify the support of existing utilities, including sanitary sewer, and provide options and costs for upgrades, if required.  ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: TBD.  APPLICATION DUE DATE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2017 AT 5:00 P.M.  All applicants must be registered to view/download Project Documents and must have a Current, Active Vendor Number. To register click the following link:

All Applicants are required to create a user profile within e-Builder.  Please click on the link below to create a user profile and view the documents:

Professional Selections


ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF SHORT-LISTED FIRMS:  Interviews will be conducted with all short-listed firms. The short-listed professionals will be notified as to the date, time and location of the interviews.

APPLICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH AN E-BUILDER BIDDING PORTAL.  A video tutorial is available on the e-Builder site for first time users to learn how to navigate e-Builder.  Technical support is also available via email at or by phone at 1-888-288-5717.  Due to technical limitations, public selections must be viewed using a Windows PC. At this time, mobile devices are not supported. Interested parties may also watch the live selection process in the Public Works Arsenal Building, 18th and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17125.

The online professional selections can be viewed by clicking the following link: Professional Selections Web Conference

PIN: 652871
Bridge Number: 17176124788
Toll-free: 18557344390

To view a list of recommended firms and selection results click the link below:

Professional Selections Results
Department Information
Department/Agency: Department of Agriculture Delivery Location:
County: Dauphin Duration: 0
Contact Information
First Name: Nancy Last Name: Spade
Phone Number:
717-783-8468 Email:
Solicitation Information
Bids must be received by the purchasing agency on the Solicitation Due Date no later than the Solicitation Due Time as set forth in the solicitation. Any conflict between the dates and/or times contained in the solicitation itself or its attachments and this advertisement shall be resolved in favor of the solicitation.

Solicitation Start Date: 02/03/17
Solicitation Due Date: 03/01/17 Solicitation Due Time: 5:00 PM
Solicitation Opening Date: 03/30/17 Solicitation Opening Time: 10:00 AM
Opening Location: Https  Openscapewebconfw1 Pa Gov Joinclient Aspx Inv R476381ee
No. of Addendums: 0
Amended Date: 02/03/17
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