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General Information
Solicitation Title:  Proxy Voting Services
Agency:  State Employees' Retirement System
Existing Contract Number:  4300246844 
Proposed Solicitation Date:  12/1/2014
Contract Expiration Date:  9/30/2015
Proposed Method of Procurement:  RFP
Description:  The respondent must be capable of providing an entire suite of services, including but not limited to: proxy voting policy development, voting recommendations, vote execution, voting reporting, voting disclosure, and web-site maintenance.  More specifically, they will provide the following tasks: provide an annual review and update of SERS Customized Domestic and International Proxy Policy given current conditions in the corporate governance landscape and ascertain appropriateness of current policy with SERS; customized voting recommendations based on SERS proxy voting guidelines; detailed analysis of company specific information to assist SERS in unusual situations not covered by SERS voting policies; timely vote execution by monitoring meeting schedules and agendas; keeping SERS informed of the trends and significant events affecting corporate governance issues and provide access to SERS to any conference calls and/or web-casts that might provide timely information in issues of concern regarding proxy voting and corproate governance; assist SERS staff in the preparation of responses to questions proposed by constituents on proxy voting and corporate governance issues; accurate record keeping and oversight of voting activity by maintaining detailed records of all recommended and actual votes, as well as any special instructions related to specific securities, providing comprehensive electronic proxy voting reports as requested; maintaining SERS Voting and Disclosure website with up to date information keeping our constituents informed of SERS current Proxy Voting Policies as well as votes cast; coordinating with SERS Custodians and external advisors on administrative issues including but not limited to Proxy Voting Power of Attorney, new account set-up and maintenance, and holdings reports; and providing a designated person (team) within the organization to serve as a liaison to the SERS account.
Review Information
Issuing Office:
State Employees' Retirement System
Contact Person: Joshua Smith
Contact Email: