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Emergency Procurement Data

General Information
Requesting Agency: Department of Human Services "prior DPW"
Material or Service or IT: Service
Description: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, significant changes occurred to the Office of Developmental Program's (ODP) 1915  Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers  under Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services, Appendix K. These changes impacted the services and supports provided to individuals with a developmental disability in order to protect their health, safety, and welfare. It is detrimental to provide up to date training and information on pandemic related changes to ensure the health, safety, continuity and quality of care is provided to the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable population.  The development and delivery of face-to-face and virtual trainings, with content specific to developmental disabilities is critically needed, particularly surrounding COVID-19 topics. Many of the trainings relating to COVID-19 include, but are not limited to, changes to ODP's CMS approved HCBS waiver program outlined in Appendix K ; available resources to remain safe and healthy while navigating the community such as accessing food pantries, temporary shelters, and medical resources; accessing unemployment benefits and seeking job opportunities,.  Individuals and their families depend on these trainings to not only provide accurate information and resources during COVID-19, but to also support the individual’s current stage of life, and to assist with planning ahead for life experiences that will allow them to make informed decisions to move forward on their trajectory towards an inclusive, productive and safe life in the future.
Proposed Supplier: Vision for Equality Request Type(s): Threat to Public Health Welfare or Safety
Estimated $ Amt: $13,155.66 Date Submitted: 6/26/2020
Review Information
Approval Status:
DGS Approved  6/26/2020   
Submitted 6/26/2020
Threat to public welfare or Safety - True emergencies - roof leaks, security, fuels, shutdowns, etc

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