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Emergency Procurement Data

General Information
Requesting Agency: Department of Human Services "prior DPW"
Material or Service or IT: Service
Description: The Department of Human Services Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) currently has a collaborative agreement  (Contract Number: ME92131003; date of approval: 11/26/2019) with Crisis Text Line ( that established a keyword partnership.  The terms of this existing contract specify that OMHSAS establish a unique keyword (“PA”) to promote alongside the Crisis Text Line number (741-741).  Upon reaching and maintaining a specified volume of 200 monthly conversations from users that enter the PA keyword, OMHSAS was provided with access to a basic data dashboard, free of cost.  The dashboard has offered the following data points updated monthly, at no cost: number of conversations, number of texters, number of active rescues, percent of conversations deemed “high risk” that have a wait time under 5 minutes, percent of total conversations broken down by day and hour of day, and percent breakdown of topics discussed in conversations (e.g., anxiety/stress, depression/sadness, relationship, isolation/loneliness, suicide, etc.).  These data points can be viewed through a data dashboard created by Crisis Text Line and can be filtered by area code and month.

Crisis Text Line provides options for an “enhanced” dashboard for states that offers daily updated data for the PA keyword and a multitude of data points, filters, and options for data extraction (cost = $34,000/annually).  There is also a “custom” dashboard that offers everything from the “enhanced” dashboard, in addition to comparison data between conversations originating with the PA keyword and any conversation coming from a Pennsylvania area code (cost = $54,000/annually).  The OMHSAS team has identified the need to purchase the custom dashboard and has negotiated a cost of $45,000/annually with Crisis Text Line, which would be prorated for the remainder of the 2020 calendar year.  Since stakeholders may access the service with or without the unique “PA” keyword, having the custom dashboard would provide a landscape of users from the entire commonwealth, and we would be able to better understand the reach of marketing efforts of the specific PA keyword in comparison. 

The added value of the custom dashboard would be access to the following additional data, updated daily:  demographics (e.g., age, race, sexuality, etc.) and county detail.  These data, as well as the data points from the basic dashboard listed above, could be filtered by custom date range, demographics, location, issue, and others.  Crisis Text Line would send us a customized monthly data overview highlighting top issues of concern and provide bi-monthly technical assistance.  Additionally, twice per year, OMHSAS would be able to work with the Crisis Text Line data team to do “deep data dives” on our PA keyword data, and their team would provide specific feedback to help us utilize the data.  We would also have statewide comparison data for all conversations to Crisis Text Line originating from any Pennsylvania area code.

Proposed Supplier: Crisis Text Line, Inc. Request Type(s): Threat to Public Health Welfare or Safety
Estimated $ Amt: $33,750.00 Date Submitted: 6/26/2020
Review Information
Approval Status:
DGS Approved  6/26/2020   
Submitted 6/26/2020
Threat to public welfare or Safety - True emergencies - roof leaks, security, fuels, shutdowns, etc

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